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The Benefits of using HCG with TRT

How to get the best of both worlds?

Testosterone is much more than just a male sex hormone; its levels in your body play a fundamental role in regulating a variety of bodily functions from mood and cognitive ability to cardiovascular health, muscle mass and body fat.

Often called `male andropause` because of its far-reaching effects, testosterone deficiency is a common issue that affects millions of men in various age groups across the globe.  Low testosterone is often defined as the decrease in total testosterone level below 300 mg/dL.  Men with low testosterone may suffer from diminished sex drive with fewer and weaker spontaneous erections, lack of motivation, decreased muscle strength and mass, increased body fat, sense of fatigue, feelings of depression and sadness, trouble with concentration and memory, plus a degraded overall sense of well-being.

Symptoms of low testosterone were often considered as a typical part of aging.  Nevertheless, a nearly four-fold increase in androgen scripts was witnessed during the last two decades leading to increased public awareness about this condition and more men are now approaching their physicians about diagnosis and available treatment solutions. This serves a testament to the potentially life-transforming benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.  Some of those benefits include improved sexual rive, a more positive mood, increased energy and motivation, better sleep, sharper focus, improved ability to handle stress, increased muscle mass and strength, as well as improved brain function and cognitive ability.

While Testosterone Replacement Therapy is gaining popularity and is a proven, effective treatment for men with depleted testosterone levels, it does not come without potential drawbacks.  Two of the common concerns are the possible impact on testicular size and fertility.

In a nutshell, the production of testosterone inside the body is a multifaceted process that balances interactions between the brain and the body.  The brain is continually monitoring the level of testosterone in the body.  When low levels are detected, the brain produces a hormone called Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH).  This hormone leads to the increased production of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which in turn triggers sperm production as well as testosterone production in the testes.

When men are receiving external testosterone to treat their testosterone deficiency, that natural process may be suppressed.  That is, the brain doesn`t detect a `low` level of testosterone, thereby not increasing the production of GnRH.  Without GnRH, the body does not signal testicular production of sperms or testosterone. Over time, the testicles may shrink in size and this may be associated with a decrease in natural testosterone production together with a decline in sperm count and fertility.

A lower sperm count does not necessarily cause infertility but it can make it more difficult to conceive.  For men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy, the impact of a decreased sperm count is usually temporary and can return to normal with terminating the treatment. However, studies have shown that supplementation with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in men receiving Testosterone Replacement Therapy plays a leading role in preserving sperm production and testicular size.

An analog of Luteinizing Hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a natural hormone that has been found to mimic the effects of Luteinizing Hormone in males. Luteinizing Hormone is vital for the production and secretion of testosterone. When Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is utilized during the treatment of testosterone deficiency, it gets to work by imitating the naturally-occurring Luteinizing Hormone. This, in turn, means that it stimulates the natural production of testosterone and sperms inside the testes.

The importance of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) treatment has grown vastly as it presents a safe and efficient adjunct to Testosterone Replacement Therapy in men desiring to preserve testicular function and fertility while treating their low testosterone.

Between the stressors of everyday life, job and family obligations, or lack of exercise and being at the office too long you could be suffering from low Testosterone. You don`t have to suffer in silence anymore. To find out if you have low testosterone levels, asking your trusted male health expert for a simple blood test can ease your worries. As men age, declining levels of testosterone is common, and thanks to the Testosterone Replacement Therapy & HCG therapy, you can enjoy optimum intra-testicular testosterone production, leading to preservation of testicular size and fertility while boosting your overall health!


Dr. Anis Haddad, MD

Urologist, Andrologist & Sexologist

Male Health Expert

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