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How can you protect your testosterone from aromatization, naturally??

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced inside men`s testicles. During puberty, it plays a key role in the physical development of boys into men. It is responsible for the growth of hair on the face, building-up of muscles, as well as gives the growing male that deep tone of voice. Later in life, testosterone plays a pivotal role in regulating many male sexual and reproductive functions, such as sex drive (libido) & male potency, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle size & strength, red blood cells production, and sperm production among others.

Being low on testosterone can have a strong negative impact on health, especially intimate sexual life. Men with low testosterone may find it difficult either to achieve a satisfactory erection or maintain it for a satisfactory intercourse, and moreover, these erections become less frequent and even sparse. Also, man’s desire to have intercourse (known as `libido`) tends to decline. This leaves affected men with poor-quality sex life, causing desperation, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and may ultimately end up with marital relation problems.

Moreover, other health complaints involving other body organs and systems may pop-up with low testosterone levels such as un-explained weight gain, feeling fatigued (less energetic than one used to), reduced muscle bulk and decreased bone mass, mood changes (feeling low, depressed or irritable), disturbed sleep pattern, increased male breast size (gynecomastia), forgetfulness and lack of concentration, among others.


Testosterone levels drop? Why?

As a matter of fact, decreasing levels of testosterone are a natural part of the aging process. The older a man gets, the lower his testosterone levels may drop. Nevertheless, several causes other than aging can also lead to abnormally low testosterone such as injury to the testicles, hormonal disorders, infection, type 2 Diabetes and obesity. It could also happen because of a process called `aromatization` induced by a naturally-occurring enzyme called `aromatase` (the key enzyme in estrogen synthesis) that changes androgens (testosterone) into estrogen. An unhealthy balance of aromatase in the male body means that there are higher levels of testosterone being converted into estrogen with the negative impact on health that subsequently follows.


Can any man do anything about it?

It goes without saying that any man concerned about his testosterone level should seek professional help for a testosterone test. If you`re low on testosterone, your trusted Men`s Health Expert will discuss most appropriate medical options for reversing this, including recommendations for lifestyle modifications and best natural ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally, inclusive of the importance of losing extra weight and the consumption of `anti-aromatase ` and `testosterone-boosting` diet. Here are some valuable recommendations:

  • Consume plenty of zinc

Men`s bodies need zinc to produce testosterone. Zinc also counteracts the action of aromatase enzyme thus reducing conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Oysters offer the highest amount of zinc per serving of any food. Pumpkin and sesame seeds also are rich sources, in addition to spinach and legumes like chickpeas and lentils.


  • Opt for cruciferous vegetables

Think broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and turnips! These amazing vegetables have remarkable anti-aromatase and estrogen-blocking properties, making them a class of vegetables that should be on every man’s plate. Because some of their beneficial phytochemicals are more abundant when cooked, while others when eaten raw, it is recommended to eat a variety, and mix up how you prepare them too.


  • Savor the fleshy taste of mushrooms

Mushrooms help to block estrogen in the body. It is widely believed to prevent the production of aromatase enzyme. Incorporating this food into your diet will help prevent new production of estrogen. Raw mushrooms can be a delicious addition to salads. They can also be sautéed with vegetables and onions.


  • Enjoy the sweetness of red grapes

Another anti-estrogen food is red grapes. Its skin contains a chemical called resveratrol which helps blocking of estrogen production. Red grapes are sweet to eat either alone after a nice meal or mixed with other fruits for a more delightful fruity taste.


  • Rely on Pomegranate`s anti-estrogen power

When it comes to relishing a fruit, pomegranates may not be the first thing that comes to one`s mind. It turns out, however, that this particular fruit is high in phytochemicals. Pomegranates are becoming more widely known for their estrogen-blocking properties as well as their antioxidant virtues. Whether consumed alone or inside a smoothie for a more rich taste, the powerful anti-estrogen impact is still the same.



  • Overcome the strong smell of onion & Garlic, it`s worth it

Alium family,  including garlic, onions, chives and leeks is rich in sulfur-containing amino acids and the powerful flavone and anti-oxidant quercetin that both help the liver detoxify, as well as reduce the production of estrogen by aromatase enzyme.  Adding any of the family to your salad plate will give you both the scientific benefit and the sizzling taste.


  • Top it with some virgin olive oil

Olive oil contains plant sterols that exerts a natural anti-estrogen effect and reduce the production of excess estrogen hormone in the body by aromatization. This highly-beneficial virgin oil also contains one of the highest amounts of lutreopin, which also helps to keep your estrogen levels under control.


  • Feast on a snack of raw nuts

Raw nuts and seeds both of which are rich sources of something called sterols which have protective affects against estrogen and can support testosterone production in men. Cashews in particular contain a substance called anacardic acid, which has a natural and powerful anti-estrogen effect.

One final advice, if you are after raising your testosterone level, reducing estrogen and blocking un-welcomed aromatization, give the above natural ideas a go. But to do it the ideal way, consult your trusted Men`s Health Expert who can provide guidance and most appropriate plan for addressing low testosterone issue.


Dr. Anis Haddad, MD
Urologist, Andrologist & Sexologist
Men`s Health Expert

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Anis Haddad

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