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Am I a candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Now let`s see…

Are you over 30?

Have you been feeling tired and out of energy lately?

Focusing and concentrating at work are becoming an agony?

Suffering from a turbulent mood; irritable, depressed, feeling low?

You are facing some `alarming` troubles in bed lately?

If this is the case, then there is a high possibility that you are a gentleman who might be low on body testosterone and who qualifies for testosterone replacement therapy.

Low Testosterone – a surprisingly common medical condition that affects millions of men worldwide – is where your body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone. At healthy levels, testosterone is responsible for everything from controlling your sex drive and energy levels to helping develop your muscle bulk and strength. Intellectually, it helps you feel more confident, vigorous and mannish, making it an essential hormone not just for physical and mental performance, but also for general health.

Lower than normal Testosterone levels can cause a variety of symptoms, including lethargy, weaker muscle mass, more body fat (especially abdominal), declining sex drive and weak erection, memory problems, poor mood and balding, among others.

The first step, here, is to verify whether your testosterone levels are actually low. Urologists who specialize in andrology and hormone replacement are able to do this through a thorough clinical assessment and blood testing (to check your hormones` level; total and free Testosterone).

How can I know if I really qualify for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

If your blood test results confirm that you do have low testosterone, especially if you are a man above 30, your Urologist in-charge may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy.

As a matter of fact, this effective therapy can induce major life-transforming results. It has been proven to slow, and may even reverse the signs of age-related hormone drop. Below are some of the most important ways by which testosterone replacement can enhance your quality of life:

1. Helps men get, and remain, in shape: Body Mass Index (BMI) is basically a measure of your muscle : fat ratio. Men with low testosterone usually have a BMI index that tilts towards being overweight; falling in the obese range commonly. By boosting metabolism and increasing your body’s ability to build up muscle bulk instead of storing fat, testosterone therapy can help putting you back on the track of health restoration.

2. Improves bone density: Loss of testosterone as you get older is a major contributor to bone loss and osteoporosis. Testosterone therapy has been shown to increase bone density, especially spine and hip bones, thus helping in lowering risk of fractures as men get older.

3. Energy levels can soar: Declining levels of testosterone lead to a decrease in strength, energy and stamina. Testosterone therapy has been shown to improve the vitality of men, with so many reporting the regression of the `brain fog` that associated their hormone drop.

4. Boosts male potency: Low testosterone is a known contributor to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Testosterone therapy not only can help you to achieve more sustainable and firm erections, it can help with other sexual wellness issues; playing a vital role in restoring passion/libido and sexual stamina.

5. Focus and cognition surge: Testosterone replacement therapy boosts cognition, improves short-term memory and ability to concentrate. Moreover, it has been shown to heighten motivation and improvement of sleep pattern.

6. Towards a healthier heart status: Low Testosterone has been linked with various cardiovascular risks. Testosterone replacement therapy can lower bad cholesterol levels.

7. Mood improvement: Feeling low, depression, anxiety, and other mood swings are common signs of low testosterone. Men on testosterone replacement therapy report more stable emotional wellbeing.



So, what to do next?

If you are experiencing any/some of the signs listed above or in doubt that your testosterone levels are below normal, why not contact us and see if you qualify for testosterone therapy?

After a thorough clinical evaluation, we will proceed for your testosterone blood test(s), and this simple procedure could have you qualifying for the life-enhancing benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.


Written with affection,

Dr. Anis Haddad
Urologist and Male Health Expert

Author Info

Anis Haddad

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